This is an outdated version published on 2023-09-01. Read the most recent version.

المرجعيات القرآنية في فكر الإمام السجاد (عليه السلام) - دراسة تربوية تحليلية في الحقوق العبادية –


  • أ.د. محمد كاظم الفتلاوي


The Holy Qur’an and the pure progeny are the rope of God Almighty for guiding His servants, and Imam Al-Sajjad is the removal of worship from rigid rituals to an active dynamic reality in the individual and society.

As for the research methodology, it was the descriptive analytical approach, and the research plan consisted of four demands, the first requirement entitled the Qur’anic reference in the right to worship prayer and its educational impact in the thought of Imam pbuh, and the second requirement is the Quranic reference in the right to worship zakat in the thought of Imam al-Sajjad (ع), and the third requirement The Qur’anic reference in the right to worship fasting in the thought of Imam pbuh, and the fourth requirement The Qur’anic reference in the right of the worship of pilgrimage in the thought of Imam pbuh, and all these demands are an analytical educational study, recited by a conclusion and a list of sources.

Keywords: (Quranic references, educational thought, Imam al-Sajjad, worship rights).

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