Mustansiriyah Journal of Humanities
<ul> <li>The journal receives research in (human) specializations that are appropriate and close to the departments of the College of Education, in both Arabic and English.</li> </ul> <p>1- The Arabic language and its branches.</p> <p>2- Ancient, Islamic, modern and contemporary history.</p> <p>3- Natural and human geography, geographic information systems (GIS).</p> <p>4- Environmental and climatic studies.</p> <p>5- Psychological counseling.</p> <p>6- Social and Anthropological Studies.</p> <p>7- Psychological and educational studies.</p> <p>8- The Qur’an and its sciences.</p> <p>9- Teaching methods and curricula.</p> <p><strong>publishing ethics</strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">The journal follows the Code of Conduct, best practice guidelines for journal editors, and ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.</span></p>en-US[email protected] (Prof. Hazim Hasan Sadon (Ph.D.))[email protected] (Assis. Lect. Hanan saadi mahmoud)Tue, 14 Jan 2025 11:00:28 +0000OJS introduction
<pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="الترجمة" aria-label="النص المترجم: the introduction" data-ved="2ahUKEwis_tbex4aLAxU5_7sIHZbhCocQ3ewLegQICxAU"><span class="Y2IQFc">the introduction</span></pre>المقدمة
Copyright (c) 2025, 13 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000About the magazine
<pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="الترجمة" aria-label="النص المترجم: About the magazine" data-ved="2ahUKEwis_tbex4aLAxU5_7sIHZbhCocQ3ewLegQICxAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">About the magazine</span></pre>حول المجلة
Copyright (c) 2025, 13 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000محتويات العدد
<p>محتويات العدد</p>محتويات العدد
Copyright (c) 2025, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Maqamia and media in the poetry of Mihyar Al-Dailami
<p>The criteria of coherence and harmony are important in textual studies because of their characteristic of formal and semantic cohesion of the text, but these two criteria may be incapable of defining the boundaries between what is text or what is not, so other criteria must be introduced in order for the text to be complete and for it to be coherent in use, and these criteria are called Pragmatics that is the basis of the job, Communication between transmitter and receiver. I chose two criteria: position, care, and attitude, which depends on the external, linguistic, and emotional context, and the context of the situation, cultural, and social, and the media standard, which is based on linguistic and non-linguistic factors by deviating from the norm and ambiguity in the text to achieve media efficiency, which took a wide space according to the mind of the recipient at a time. It is clear and sometimes breaks the horizon</p> <p>Receiving something that raises amazement and strangeness. He also use words whose meaning differs from the ordinal pattern according to the standard of pragmatics that abounded in Mahyar’s poetry, Al-Daylami, which is distributed in its linguistic use between parts of the text in terms of acceptance and the intention that is achieved It has textual coherence.</p>Asst. Lect. Asraa Kazem Al-Sharaa Asst. Prof.Uday Hussein Ali Al-Rubaie (P.hD.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Features of creativity and innovation in the research of practical principles according to Sheikh Fadel Al-Tuni in his book Al-Wafiyya
<p>One who scrutinizes the development of Usul science (Islamic jurisprudence) will perceive the considerable endeavors that scholars have dedicated to investigation and inference, alongside their endeavors in innovation and advancement to adapt to the societal changes that impact the obligated individuals. The concept of innovation in Usul encompasses modifications in the overall structure, style, delivery, organization of Usul teachings, and the categorization of Usul researchers. Regarding innovation in substance, it pertains to the Usul content itself without altering the fundamental principles. Consequently, certain elements remain fixed and immutable, while others are subject to change. The essence of the inquiry mandates the introduction of Al-Fadil Al-Tuni, his work *Al-Wafi'ah*, the concept of "innovation," and the elucidation of practical principles, their progression, and their groupings into precaution, selection, exemption, and perpetuity, in addition to the domains of innovation within these principles.</p>Asst. Inst.Afrah Razzaq Abd
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Threshold of dedication in Yassin Shamil's novels
<p>Among the thresholds discussed in the study tagged with (the textual thresholds in Yassin Shamil's novels), the threshold of gifting, so that the research stands on the statement of the close correlation of this threshold with the ideas of the textual body, especially as they are considered optional non-mandatory thresholds, as well as their free compositional and stylistic nature; which made us seek to clarify the link between the threshold and the narrative imager on the one hand, and which drew the recipient's attention to it, As well as the thresholds of semiotics that have a direct impact on the process of selecting the recipient of literary works, so we divided it according to two types, a general and a special dedication, according to what was available in the novels</p>Nagham Qais Muhammad Prof. Jamal Ajeel Sultan Al-Azbaji (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 14 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Parsing of relative pronouns according to Al-Zawzani (d. 792 AH) in his explanation of The book “Lubab Al-Arab” by Al-Asfaraini (d. 684 AH)
<p>In our research, we discussed (The parsing of relative pronouns according to Al-Zawzani (d.792AH) in his explanation The book “Lubab Al-Arab” by Al-Asfaraini (d. 684 AH)), and we presented some of the Qur’anic verses and poetic verses in which he expressed his opinion. It is better to point out that we dealt with Al-Zawzni’s effort according to his approach, and the nature of the research required that it be divided into There are two requirements: the first requirement: Al-Zouzani’s opinion on relative pronouns and the reason for their construction, and the second requirement: common relative pronouns according to Al-Zouzani, because he mentioned his interest in them, and summarized them with effort without the nouns. The research concluded with the most important results, and was supported by sources and references.</p>Lama Youssef Ahmed Razouki Prof. Falah Hassan Kati (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The position of the Kurdish press on political developments in Iraqi Kurdistan 1975-1988 " Al Sharara newspaper is a model "
<p>Kurdish journalism in Iraq serves as a crucial instrument for the dissemination of knowledge and culture within the Kurdish community. It functions as a reflective medium that captures diverse political, social, and cultural dynamics. This platform not only encourages Kurdish writers and intellectuals to articulate their viewpoints but also aids in documenting and disseminating information on developments related to the Kurdish cause. Consequently, the domain of journalism has evolved to encompass various forms like visual and audio journalism, including television channels, radio stations, and numerous online platforms, collectively known as the "fourth estate." In this context, *The Spark* newspaper holds a distinguished position as a leading Kurdish publication that stands in opposition to the ruling regime in Iraq. Originating post the inception of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in 1975, *The Spark* newspaper plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of national identity among the Kurdish populace and shaping the objectives of the Kurdish liberation movement. It articulates nationalistic and patriotic ambitions, advocates for the advancement of democratic principles, and authentically represents the desires of the Kurdish people for autonomy, sovereignty, and self-rule. Furthermore, the newspaper's prominent headlines underscore the significant alliance between Arabs and Kurds in their joint endeavors, both covert and overt, to secure the fundamental rights of the Iraqi population.</p>Inst. Ali Atheeb Rahima Al-Sharifi (P.h.D)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Global warming effect on human comfort in Baghdad location
<p>The primary thermal anomalies and their deviation from the overall mean have a significant impact on human comfort. The study examines the phenomenon of global warming and its implications for human comfort at the Baghdad station utilizing THI equations in Fahrenheit and Kelvin for the timeframe spanning from 1961 to 2021. This timeframe is segmented into eleven intervals by computing the mean for each quinquennial period. The study indicates a rising trend in temperature at the Baghdad station particularly during the 1990s and 2000s as a consequence of global warming. The outcomes derived from the THI equation concerning comfortable months are constrained to the months of spring such as April and May, as well as the latter months of the autumn season, namely October and November. The period categorized as having the highest number of uncomfortable warm months spans from 2016 to 2021, while the comfortable months based on the K equation are restricted to the final weeks of March, April, the initial weeks of May, and the latter part of October and November. The count of uncomfortable warm months is five, while the count of comfortable months ranges from three to four. In terms of seasonal classification across regions, it is observed that winter typically exhibits a moderately cold climate, denoted by region C. Spring and autumn seasons are characterized by warm conditions, represented by region B. Lastly, summer is distinguished by elevated temperatures and is considered an uncomfortable region, indicated by region D.</p>Prof. Maisara Adnan Abdul Rahman (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Finish-Soviet Political Relations in the midst of Cold War 1949-1969
<p>"Finish-Soviet Political Relations in the midst of Cold War 1949-1969" is another phase of the Finnish history during disorders of the Cold War between eastern-western blocks. This study sheds lights on the developments of the relationship between Finland and Soviet Union in the early 1950s, roots and consequences of the Night Frost crisis, origins of the Note crisis and its impact on the Finnish internal policy, and finally, the concept of Neutrality in the Finnish foreign policy .the main outcome of this study is the success that Finland had made when balanced between its aims of political independence, economic integration with west and ensuring Soviet's needs for security.</p>Asst.Prof. Zaydan Hassan Hawi Alshwely
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Linguistic approaches in the Al-Jim dictionary by Abu Amr Al-Shaibani: an applied study
<p>Linguistic investigation encourages involvement with practical methods of linguistic inquiry, especially in the field of lexicography. It presents viewpoints that are inclined towards both theoretical and practical approaches to the comparison and analysis of various aspects, including phonetics, morphology, syntax, and their interrelations with lexicography. This contemporary linguistic standpoint enhances linguistic examination with a modern outlook, a perspective that we will employ in the examination of the lexicon "Al-Jim" authored by Abu Amr Al-Shaibani. The linguistic formulations of the author exhibit unique characteristics influenced by the content he gathered in this significant lexicon. He conserved and recorded the variations in dialects, followed the development of words and their interpretations, contrasted the usage of terms across different Arab clans, and presented meticulous morphological and derivational assessments. These endeavors have rendered "Al-Jim Lexicon" a noteworthy resource for scholars in linguistic research, appropriate for practical linguistic investigations utilizing contemporary linguistic methodologies. Additionally, lexicons, as a whole, possess dynamic linguistic qualities that progress alongside scholarly exploration and its function in providing the intended information to the audience. The link between linguistics and lexicography originates from the reader's comprehension and engagement with the text, as the text transforms through continuous reading and understanding. Therefore, linguistics assumes a critical role in scrutinizing the text and conveying its significance to the reader.</p> Asst. prof. Qasim Sahib Karim Al-Asadi (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Violating the Sacred in Heavenly Religions
<p> The subject of the sacred has occupied researchers, and has been studied in more than one field of knowledge. Because it represents a close proximity to social reality and many religious, social, psychological and intellectual issues are linked to it, and the discussion on this topic is ancient and renewed due to its importance on the one hand and the presence of developments that require renewed knowledge needs on the other hand, and that includes, for example, clarifying the nature of the sacred and the controls that distinguish the sacred from other things. This issue was born as a result of the religious and social interaction, the reliance on the inconstant, and the lack of reliance on the constant. In addition, the phenomenon of attacks on sacred things has arisen within the same religion or between different religions, and the difference of opinions on this subject between those who reject it and those who are committed to neutrality, in addition to the presence of a third group that supports this attack and places it in the category of intellectual freedom. Therefore, this research came to explain the nature of the sacred, its definition, how it originated, and its relationship to religion in general, and then tend towards explaining its philosophy and the importance of its presence in human life and explaining the position of the heavenly religions on it.</p>Inst. Noor Hussein Ali (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Images of Self-Efficacy in Imam Ali's Sheqsheqiya Sermon (Peace Be Upon Him): A Semiotic Analysis
<p>A prose text is one of the literary genres with a direct effect on social and cultural realities as such a text is often characterized by its focus on the personal experience of both the writer and the audience. It delves into the individual's relationship with their psychological reality, especially when the text originates from the master of eloquence, Imam Ali (Peace be upon him), whose attributed text, "Sheqsheqiya Sermon", stands out for its captivating style and cohesive, symbol-laden structure. This sermon vividly expresses Imam’s emotional state, addressing feelings of sorrow, pain, oppression, betrayal, injustice, etc. These emotions are meticulously disseminated within a rich linguistic context, with carefully selected words and structures.</p> <p>The study concentrates on four main aspects of self-efficacy: the semiotics of injustice, the semiotics of sorrow, the semiotics of anger, the semiotics of unusual terms and linguistic structures. The significance of these images in semiotic studies lies in their powerful implications within the studied text. For the sermon captivates the reader from the opening phrase ("أما" (as for) with emphasis) to its ending (again, using "أما" (as for) with emphasis and an oath), an echoing aesthetic in the text. The study concludes that, in the semiotics of sorrow, Imam Ali uses emphasis, oaths, and pronouns to convey his emotions. In the semiotics of anger, patience symbolizes his restraint, revealing his preference for patience over bloodshed due to the lack of support and the betrayal by some of his followers. The semiotics of injustice includes emphasis, oaths, and the use of disapproving terms to criticize the unjust reality and confirm his rightful claim for the Caliphate. In the interim, the semiotics of unique words and structures feature metaphors, allegories, hints, and allusions, which add a unique beauty to the sermon.</p>Ms. Hanan Abdelhadi Amin
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Mythological Implementation in poetry of Nizar Qabbani's
<p>The mythical evocation in the poetic text of the poet Nizar Qabbani represents an important feature of the cultural reference, which enriches the creative text in its content structure and expressive energy, as it leads to revealing the hidden recesses of the human soul, through tracking the obsessions and repressed desires, which the poet reflects in his poetic production; in order to show the effective function of everything that is aesthetic and related to the intellectual presentation; to establish a new meaning in the creative practice, and what lies in it of a hidden text marked by aesthetics and its interactions within the text, to show the creator's assumptions and his internalizations that become clear through comprehension reading and creative awareness, and to delineate the textual phenomena, according to the poet's psychological, social and cultural visions and assumptions.</p>Ms. Nabaa Basim Rashid
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Moral grammatical clues and their effect in directing meaning
<p>The study was centered on examining how the ancient grammarians utilized semantic cues as a preferred method in grammatical disagreements. The utilization of semantic cues has been a topic of great importance historically and in contemporary times for its role in directing meaning within written texts. Within this investigation, the viewpoints of academics concerning the validity and utilization of semantic cues by ancient grammarians were explored, specifically focusing on the "qarīna al-isnād" (authenticity indicator) which certain scholars highlighted as deserving more attention and emphasis compared to other cues, in addition to its acknowledgment by the ancient grammarians. In conclusion, our study unveiled that semantic cues were a central focus of attention for the early grammarians. Those who hold a different perspective must thoroughly examine the writings of the ancient academics with a commitment to scientific rigor, free from hubris, in order to arrive at their intended outcomes. Consequently, we observe that the early scholars preceded their modern counterparts in comprehending semantic cues and recording them in their publications. Subsequent to this, contemporary scholars followed suit, with a number of them notably elucidating and analyzing these cues, as exemplified in Tamam Hassān's treatise "The Arabic Language: Its Meaning and Structure."</p>Asst.Inst. Mokhles Raheem Hadi
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Mechanisms for confronting the phenomenon of gender in light of the narrations of the infallibles, peace be upon them
<p>In accordance with the inherent human nature and the innate disposition crafted by the divine being, encompassing both male and female traits, and in response to the persistent advocacy for the recognition of gender identity within Iraqi society, facilitated through external funding and direction via social media and organizations, the present study entitled "Strategies for Addressing the Issue of Gender Identity in Light of the Teachings of the Infallibles, peace be upon them," seeks to elucidate the essence of this concept and elucidate its overarching objective. This concept advocates for complete parity and equitable treatment across genders, highlighting an individual's societal role irrespective of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or other distinguishing factors, while also striving to ensure equal access to opportunities in all spheres, thus eradicating discriminatory practices. Consequently, this endeavor may lead to societal disarray and efforts to destabilize the fundamental structure of the nuclear family unit, comprising parents and offspring, crucial for the upbringing of children. Islamic teachings, as embodied by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his progeny (peace be upon them), have underscored the significance of addressing such challenges and phenomena that pose a threat to communal well-being and seek to distort religious precepts.</p>Inst. Zainab Hadi Jaber (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The impact of reality on character building in a novel divided
<p>This study aims to delineate the primary outcomes derived from the interplay between personality and the surrounding environment. The latter has played a pivotal role in influencing the psychological and cognitive dimensions of individuality, given its inherent fragility of thought and imposition of oppressive ideologies, which in turn foster the development of problematic and pessimistic personality traits. The research delved into the analysis of literary works, elucidating the key artistic techniques employed by authors in unveiling societal taboos within a context characterized by slavery and self-negation. It is noteworthy that the scrutinized texts manifest a discerning perspective, as evidenced by the exploration of implicit motifs. The study utilized the cultural perspective to examine the texts, as it has the capacity to elucidate the significant observations inherent in them. Furthermore, the cultural perspective is acknowledged as a method closely aligned with interpreting texts that explore intellectual, psychological, and cultural transformations in societies.</p>Asst. Lect. Roua Bashir Juma Asst. Prof. Ahmed Ghalib Al-Saadoun (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The position of Turgut Ozal and Recep Tayyip Erdogan towards Islam and democracy 1983-2007: an approach study
<p>Turkey is constantly endeavoring to establish itself as a key political figure in the region and to position itself among the top ten global economies. The ambitious goals of steering the nation in the present era appear attainable owing to the policies implemented by Turgut Özal during his tenure in the 1980s and 1990s, which sought to stabilize the nation and integrate it into the global arena. Despite the initial concrete achievements, the initiatives undertaken during that period yielded conflicting results, giving rise to economic and political challenges. Subsequently, this led to a resurgence of political unrest following Özal's passing in 1993, plunging the nation back into a series of corruption scandals that led to the downfall of fragile coalition governments in succession. This political upheaval culminated in the military coup of 1997. Paradoxically, the most effective and sustainable consequence of those reforms resulted in the ascent of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to power in 2002 subsequent to their electoral triumph. This ushered in a profound shift in the political terrain. During the initial years of its governance, the AKP actively embraced and expanded Özal's neoliberal reforms, fostering the most conducive environment for both foreign and domestic capital investment. Nonetheless, in the initial decade of the 21st century, Erdoğan and the party leadership gradually distanced themselves from their prior neoliberal tenets.</p>Asst. Prof. Manal Mohamed Salah (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Pilgrimages in Michel Mayer's pre-Islamic literature as a model
<p>Argumentation is viewed as a contemporary rhetorical theory that has significantly contributed to the development of a novel rhetorical ideology. Michel Meyer stands out as a leading figure in this field, adept at unveiling the fresh elements of rhetorical communication. This theoretical framework marks a substantial advancement in the analysis of discourse from a rhetorical perspective within the domain of communication and persuasion. As a result, we have utilized pre-Islamic poetry and prose as textual sources to scrutinize the concepts of this theory, which emphasizes the use of questioning to derive answers leading to further inquiries. This method operates within a framework of implicit and explicit structures, diverging from the conventional and formal conventions of rhetorical text examination. Furthermore, another facet of the study involves employing literary works from pre-Islamic literature as a basis for exploring the discourse surrounding Arab customs and values. This approach is rooted in Michel Meyer's notion of argumentation, which is intricately linked to societal values capable of shaping the trajectory of textual content and influencing Arab society at large, particularly the pre-Islamic era. Additionally, Michel Meyer advocates for the arguer's compliance with ethical principles that governed ancient Arabic writings, a concept that will be elucidated in the subsequent sections of this research.</p>Asst. Lect. Noor Al-Huda Haider Ghali
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Perceived credibility of the teacher among middle school students
<p>The ongoing study seeks to ascertain the trustworthiness of educators among adolescents in middle school. A metric to gauge teacher trustworthiness was devised based on McCroskey's framework (McCroskey, 1999), encompassing 33 items in its final iteration. The psychometric characteristics of the metric, such as its discriminatory capacity, validity, and consistency, were determined. This metric was administered to a study cohort of 400 pupils, with an equal split of 200 male and 200 female students from various disciplines in middle school, chosen through a method of random sampling with proportional representation. Following the distribution of the research tool and the statistical examination of the data utilizing methods including the one-sample t-test, independent samples t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha formula for internal consistency, the subsequent findings were established: The study participants exhibit trust in their instructors. Based on the study outcomes, the investigator put forth deductions, provided multiple suggestions, and suggested a series of future research endeavors.</p>Ali Jabbar Kazem Asst.Prof. Alia Jasim Mohammed (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Developing environmental and heritage tourism and ensuring its sustainability in Kirkuk Governorate
<p>Tourism has emerged as a notable sector for export, yielding substantial profits by leveraging natural resources and tangible assets such as various historical and religious landmarks. The primary objective is to rejuvenate the tourism sector and utilize it as a means to achieve all-encompassing development. Studies have pinpointed factors that can draw tourists to the region, encompassing ecological sites like the Dibs forests and the Dibs and Shirin dams, alongside the existence of Islamic religious destinations such as the Imam Zain al-Abidin Shrine, the Imam Qasim Shrine, and the Shrine of Prophet Daniel (peace be upon them). Local inhabitants are also considered in this analysis. Moreover, within Kirkuk Governorate lie significant Christian landmarks such as the Virgin Mary Church, Saint Joseph's Church, and the Red Church, in addition to cultural gems like Kirkuk Castle, Kirkuk Citadel, Daquq Minaret, Kirkuk Caesarea, and the Abbasid Bridge. Hence, the imperative task at hand involves enhancing the region's infrastructure by formulating strategic developmental initiatives aimed at promoting environmental, historical, and religious tourism, with the goal of preserving tourism assets and fostering job prospects for the local populace.</p> Inst. Rafah Mahdi Mohammed (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Disengagement from the goal among university students
<p>The current research aims to identify goal disengagement among university students and to explore differences in goal disengagement according to the variables of gender and major. To achieve the research objectives، the researcher adopted the Goal Disengagement Scale based on the model by Wrosch and Michael F. Scheier (2003)، consisting of 10 items in its final form after being translated into Arabic. The researcher extracted the psychometric properties of the scale، verifying its validity and reliability. The researcher applied the tool to a final sample of 380 students، comprising 189 male and 191 female students from various majors at Al-Mustansiriyah University ، selected through stratified random sampling. After administering the research tool and statistically analyzing the data using statistical methods، the researcher reached the following conclusions: the sample has goal disengagement،there is a statistically significant difference in goal disengagement according to gender، favoring males، and there is a statistically significant difference according to the major، favoring science majors. No interaction between the variables of gender and major was found. Based on the current research results، the researcher reached a set of recommendations and suggestions.</p> Othman Kamel Muhammad Asist.Prof. Raghad Ibrahim Abbas (P.h.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000King Faisal II and his social role in Iraq (1953-1958)
<p>The Iraqi royal family was interested in the social aspect, and carried out many works and activities in this regard. King Faisal I, King Ghazi, Queen Alia, and the princesses of the royal family paid clear attention to this, as they allocated monthly subsidies to some poor families to help them make a difficult living, in addition to carrying out clothing campaigns for many people. From needy children, and their sponsorship of concerts, festivals, and charity markets to collect sums of money, the proceeds of which will be to help the poor and needy, and provide what can be given to them, whether effort or money. King Faisal II was no less enthusiastic than the members of the royal family in his social role, especially helping the poor, as he did not leave an opportunity without seizing it to help them and entertain them, since he was a young child and continued until after he assumed his constitutional duties in 1953, whether through financial donations, field visits and learning about... The conditions of the people, as well as their support for charitable societies and institutions.</p>Aya Muhammad Ali Prof. Ekhlas Lafta Harez (P.h.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The spatial relationships of geographical factors and their impact on agricultural development in the Mahmoudiyah district
<p>The research is to highlight the most important elements of agricultural development and the most important problems that can be addressed and benefit from international and local experiences and apply them in practice in the research area. Agricultural development is one of the important and basic demands to secure the future of future generations، by providing food security for the population، which has begun to increase significantly towards</p> <p>The geographical ingredients for the development of agriculture، whether vegetarian or animal in Iraq in general، to diversify economic activity and income sources، by not relying on in force in force such as oil and natural gas، by providing part of the food requirements to achieve food security. Accordingly، the area of agricultural lands increased، the amount and quality of the supplies used in agriculture، and the crops planted from fruit trees، palm trees، grains، vegetables and green fodder crops in the Mahmoudiyah district. Therefore، the research aims to explain agricultural development، advance agricultural production and develop development strategies that contribute to preserving agricultural lands and optimal exploitation in light of the available capabilities of the judiciary.</p>Asst. Prof. Hazem Jawad Kazem (P.h.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The effect of Rosman's model on the written expression of fourth-grade literary students
<p>The current research aims to identify the effect of Rossman's model on written expression among fourth-grade literary students In order to achieve the goal of the current research, the researcher derived the following null hypothesis:</p> <p>" There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study the written expression subject (using the Rossman model) and the average scores of the control group students who study the written expression subject in the traditional way . "</p> <p>The research sample consisted of (66) students from the fourth literary grade in Al-Muthanna Bin Haritha Preparatory School, affiliated with the Baghdad Al-Rusafa/First Education Directorate, for the academic year (2023-2024). They were randomly selected to implement the experiment, where Division (A) represented the experimental group with (34) students, whereas the Section (D) represented the control group with (32) students .The researcher prepared the research tool (the written expression test) and its validity and reliability were verified</p> <p>After implementing the experiment over the course of a semester, the researcher applied the written expression test using the statistical package (SPSS-28 ) . The results of the current research showed that the students of the experimental group who studied according to the Rossman model outperformed the students of the control group who studied according to the traditional method in the post-test .</p>Prof. Dr. Ihsan Adnan Abdel Razzaq
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Lect. Al-Boroujerdi’s efforts in identifying the classes of narrators
<p>Researching the classes of narrators is one of the important researches in the science of men, as knowing the classes of narrators contributes to clarifying the image of a group of narrations that suffer from chain of transmission problems, especially in distinguishing the narrators who share the chains of transmission, hidden transmission in narrations, and identifying the fraud in the chains of transmission of some narrators and others. This study shows the concept of the science of classes, and explains its origin and development, in addition to explaining the efforts of Sayyid Hussein al-Boroujerdi (may God sanctify his secret) in explaining and defining the classes of narrators, as he is considered one of the prominent figures in the field of the science of men and hadith in the third century AH, and has extensive experience in classes and chains of transmission. The research revealed Sayyid al-Boroujerdi’s opinions regarding the classes of narrators, their control and organization, and the presentation of his men’s opinions, in addition to the chain of transmission treatments and men’s weaknesses.</p>Shahad Ahmed Kazem.Lect
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The style of masculinity in the epic poem in modern Iraqi poetry
<p>It did not escape pure from some cultural patterns, and masculinity represents the most prominent cultural patterns that appeared in the ancient Arab poetic heritage.This phenomenon represented an aesthetic feature among poets and led the Arabs as they mastered the feeling of a verse, the sweetest verse, and the best verse. However, the concept of masculinity in modernist criticism emerged. It transformed in its meaning, and it became a diversification of poetic discourse and the diverse epic poem, a modern feature in Arabic and Iraqi poetry in general. It did not get rid of the pattern of masculinity, and this is the focus of the study. The study was distinguished by different cultural criticism to analyze the poetic discourse and reveal the pattern of masculinity in modern Iraqi poetry.</p> <p>The pattern of virility is more effective than the old patterns still are, and it appears in many cases, and it completely represents the white hero, and the hero protecting the epic represents the basic part of establishing effectiveness, as there is no epic poem without a hero.</p>Asst.Lect. Zainulabdeen hussen ali prof.ahmed Mahdi attallah (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Dr. Jamil Al-Malaika Terminology
<p>This research belongs to a group of works that attempt to stand on the scientific achievements of individuals in a specific specialized scientific field. This research paper attempts to investigate the terminological work of Dr. Jamil Al-Malaika, and to stand on the specificity of his cognitive product in terms of establishing and selecting terms and establishing special requirements for term production, and his defense of the issue of Arabization of higher education, in addition to his great and important critical efforts in this field. This revelation attempts to shed light on this important Iraqi personality in what he has presented, especially since Al-Malaika is considered a pioneer in this field; as he is a specialist in engineering sciences and a teacher of them, and has acquired many sciences of Arabic, its morphology, derivation and literature, which enabled him to take this science by the hand. This paper traces the terminological output of Al-Malaika through his scattered research in scientific journals, especially the Journal of the Iraqi Scientific Academy, relying on the methodology of description and analysis of what his papers contained. It became clear from the overall study that the growth of Al-Malaika’s terminological ability is a result of his comprehensive engineering and linguistic knowledge, while most of his efforts were focused on establishing the foundations of this science, methods of establishing and selecting scientific terms, enhancing scientific cooperation, and trying to make the Arabization issue a success.</p>Inst. Lect. Karar Rahim Habib
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000The duality of center and margin in the novel (At Amsterdam Station) by Qusay Subhi A post-colonial study
<p>The two terms (center-margin) are linked by a symbiotic relationship, as the existence of one is dependent on the existence of the other. Every margin has a center that follows it, and every center has a margin that dominates it. Because colonial policies are domination, crushing and destruction, the post-colonial discourse proposed rising from dependency and rewriting history. The margin must undermine the center's discourse in order to rise on its own. From here, the basic question about the debate between the center and the margin began. The research seeks to reveal the relationship between the center and the margin in the novel (At Amsterdam Station) by the novelist Qass Subhi according to the post-colonial theory, as the novel focused on how to deal with and look at the other.</p>Inst. Hiba Allah Ali Abid Alhussein (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Rushdi Chalabi and his economic role in Iraq (1917-1998) a historical study
<p>The research focused on shedding light on the personality of Rushdi Chalabi and his role in Iraq from an economic perspective during his tenure in ministerial positions, most notably his role in the Ministries of Economy and Agriculture during the period of royal rule in Iraq, and addressing his lineage and the lineage of his family, as Rushdi Chalabi descends from one of the well-known families known for their economic wealth, which practiced the profession of trade and industry during that period and was able to place its economic weight in Iraq, and its members emerged as major landowners after the end of World War I in 1918. What helped them to excel commercially was their close connection to the land and local industry, and as a result of this economic transformation, some members of the family sought to enter politics and assume important political positions in the history of Iraq.</p>Asst. Lect. Sabreen Farhan Jari Al-Halafi
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Character in Shahid Al-Halafi’s Novels
<p>The present study aims to identify the character as a literary component in the narrative system. This study explainy the character, after defining it, and its effective role in three novels of the Iraqi novelist (Shahid Al-Halafi), which are Kash Watan, Sariq Al-Eimama (The Turban Thief), and Naqis Khamsa (Minus Five). This study analyses the selected novels semiotically and highlights the most significant aspects of the personality in quantitative and qualitative standerd. It explains the aspects of the character on the quantitative scale and divides it into the oppressed character, who is stolen presence and rights, and the savior character, who tries to save her/his society from an unfortunate and crisis situation. The study treats two aspects of character: the first one is the social treatment that the novel offers, and the second one is the methods, that is followed by the novelist in presenting his characters, and this method of presentation is what is called the qualitative scale. It has been found that the novelist uses two methods in presenting his character, which are the informative method, in which the narrator informs about the character according to his point of view, and the expository method, in which the characters present themselves through their interaction with each other, as well as, his/ her dialogue in a way that reveals her/his secrets.</p>Asst. Inst. Naba Muhamad Majid
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Al-Hariri’s Sa’diyah Maqama (a semiotic study)
<p>It is worth noting that most of the books of Arab prose heritage, especially the Maqamat, contain literary treasures that allow the researcher to study them according to modern theories that reveal - mostly - another aspect of the literary text that shows us the sources of creativity and brilliance and shows us the extent of the superiority of the Arab mind and the intelligence and acumen of the writers who distinguished themselves from their peers and wrote sublime texts like the gold necklaces that adorn necks in every age, and like a well of good water, whenever a thirsty person throws his bucket into it, he returns with what quenches his thirst.</p>Asst. Prof. Wisam Muhammad Abboud Al-Rubaiee (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Words and aspects of preference according to Al-Tabarsi in his book Majma’ al-Bayan (Part One as an example)
<p>This research entitled (The words and aspects of preference according to Al-Tabarsi in his book Majma' Al-Bayan (the first part as a model) “The importance of this topic appears from several aspects that can be summarized in: The interpretation of Sheikh Al-Tabarsi is one of the most important interpretations in which its author exerted great effort in order to serve the Book of God Almighty, and students of knowledge and scholars after him have benefited from it, the abundance of benefits and deductions deposited in this interpretation, which every student of knowledge should review and benefit from and exert effort in that, and the researcher divided the research into an introduction and two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of the names of sources; the first chapter, which included the definition of Sheikh Al-Tabarsi, his life and his approach in his book Majma' Al-Bayan, and consisted of four demands, and as for the second chapter, it included Sheikh Al-Tabarsi's approach in preference, and it included four demands, as the researcher followed Sheikh Al-Tabarsi's preferences in his interpretation, and explained his approach in preference, and the aspects of preference according to him, and it is worth noting that no researcher has previously To follow the preferences of Sheikh Al-Tabarsi independently, and they are many and varied, and it is a broad topic with great scientific benefit, and God has made it easy for me to work on this topic, and I have discussed his preferences in the first part.</p>Dr. Muna Ibrahim Jalood
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Indicators of the reality of transportation in the city of Alzuhur
<p>The research aims to analyze the quantitative indicators of the reality of the reality of transportation in the city of ALzuhur through the use of correlation indicators, which show the degree of evaluation of the transport index in terms of its efficiency, depending on the nodes and links that evaluate the index, as well as calculating the density of the network in relation to the index of population, area and vehicles in the city of ALzuhur.</p> <p>The research relied on the quantitative approach and the analytical approach in evaluating the network according to the values of indicators through the application of statistical equations and methods.</p> <p>The research results a number of results, the most important of which was that the degree of network correlation was complete and interconnected with the beta index with a value of (1.5) and the index (traffic) and the number of turns with a value of (18), while the street network in the city was medium efficiency according to the Kama index of (0.5) and the weakness of the interconnection network in the alpha and ETA indicators of (0.28) and (0.18) respectively.</p>Inst. Nuha essa falfool (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000مفهوم اليسر وأسبابه في المنظور القراني ( دراسة موضوعية)
<p>The Holy Qur’an is the book of God Almighty, which is considered a source of guidance and knowledge for everything, and it is not like other heavenly books. As it includes a complete description of the system of life and guidance from heaven in all areas that a person needs, whether intellectual, spiritual, political, social and economic, it includes directions and instructions that are suitable for every place and time and for every human nation. On this basis, it is considered one of the greatest laws, the law of Islam, which is characterized by the characteristic of facilitation. Muslims are relieved of hardship and embarrassment in order for them to live a happy life They live a free and dignified life, in accordance with the principle of preventing hardship, or its characteristic of ease and tolerance, on which Islamic law was based, one of the most prominent components of God’s eternal law, which came to organize people’s lives in all its aspects, taking into account their interests and renewed needs. Because Islam is a religion of human nature, it does not clash with human nature, energies, potentials, and aspirations.</p>Inst.Anmar Adai Mahmoud Abbas (Ph.D.)
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Suspense in Rhetorical Thought: An Analytical Study
<p>Literary texts are full of many colors of meanings that are researched in the circle of rhetorical thought, as rhetorical thought is characterized by a comprehensive dynamic in understanding the meanings of texts and eliciting their connotations. Among these meanings that can be researched in this circle is suspense, as it is one of the most important means that the creator resorts to to attract the recipient and stimulate his response to receive the creative text, as it is considered one of the meanings that go beyond the eloquence of the written to the eloquence of the spoken; This is due to its expansion in generating this meaning through rhetorical and non-rhetorical methods to attract the recipient's attention, captivate him and excite him. The importance of this study lies in focusing on these methods that generate this meaning and are sensed by the recipient. This research will stand on the authenticity of this concept that derives its influence from many methods. The most important methods that generate the meaning of suspense will be identified and reinforced with practical examples and analyzed according to the methods that generate this meaning</p>M.M. Hussam Adel Ali Anbar
Copyright (c) 2025, 21 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000