About the Journal
A quarterly refereed scientific journal concerned withpublishing theoretical and applied research that develops the knowledge aspect. It is issued by the College of Education - Al-Mustansiriyah University, deposit number in the House of Books and Documents in Baghdad 2603 for the year 2022.
- The magazine owns the standard paper number 2958-0730
- The magazine owns the electronic standard number 2958-0722
- Accredited on the Iraqi academic journals website at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- The magazine was established in 1980 under the name (Journal of the College of Education) until 2022, it was separated into two magazines (a magazine for scientific departments - physics, mathematics and computer sciences - and a magazine for human scientific departments - history, geography, Arabic language, Quran sciences, psychological counseling, psychological and educational sciences) as directed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Scientific / Department of Research and Development in the book No. BT 4 2040 on 3/4/ 2022 and the book of the Presidency of Al-Mustansiriyah University/ Department of Scientific Affairs No. 9429 on 4/24/2022
- Advancement between scientific journals at the country level and the world, and we are working to achieve one of our university's ambitions to be at the first level in local, regional and global academic publishing and to enter the global capacities.
- Upgrading Al-Mustansiriyah University, specifically the College of Education, through scientific publishing, which differs from other university journals, to achieve one of the university’s goals. Thus, we have contributed to serving researchers, readers and society, providing them with something from the vast sea of knowledge and raising our country’s classification in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
- The journal is keen on selecting distinguished research and accepting it for publication in accordance with scientific standards - international capacities.
- Concern for permanent development to disseminate what researchers and faculty members from all universities offer inside and outside the country, which creates a spirit of cooperation and mutual knowledge between Iraqi and foreign researchers.
- Scientific exchange between our journal and other university journals by providing the libraries of other universities and colleges with a gift copy of our journal.
- Not only accepting research inside the country, but expanding to receive research from all parts of the Arab world and the world
- Compliance with the rules of publishing in full by researchers in accordance with international standards, in order to ensure objectivity in publishing our magazine’s research.
Magazine Template:
- Summary: (Arabic _ English) The number of words does not exceed 200 words The font size is 11
- Keywords: (Arabic _ English) not less than 3 and not more than 5 font size 11
- The type of font for research that is written in Arabic is simplified Arabic, and the font size is 11
- Font type for research written in English Times New Roman, font size 11
- Headings font size 14 B
- Sub-headings and within the search body font size 12
- How to set the page alignment left, right, top and bottom 2.5
- Sources are written according to the APA system
- Margins and sources End of search Font size 11
- The sources write Arabic - English according to the alphabet
- Figures, maps and tables are mentioned in their positions in the body of the research, and the appendices are attached at the end of the research.
- Maps and graphs are presented in color and clear.
- Numbers, wherever they appear in the search, are written in Arabic .
Guidelines for Authors:
The title should represent the content of the research in a focused and concise manner and within the journal's specializations.
- The abstract contains the objective, importance and method of work, as well as the most important results reached by the researcher.
- Choose (3-5) keywords indicating the topic of the research.
- The body of the research includes the most important main themes through which the researcher reached the results of his study.
- Discussing the results and data reached by the researcher, supported by scientific evidence and evidence, and documented sources globally and locally.
- The permissible citation percentage does 20% of the documented sources.
- It is preferable to adopt modern sources not more than (5) years past.
- It is preferable to adopt sources documented in scientific journals that are indexed within international repositories.
Wages can be paid directly into the college accounts (College of Education - Al-Mustansiriyah University) Address / Iraq - Baghdad - Palestine Street - Al-Mawwal Square or through a check for the magazine account on the bank account number.
- The researcher or the author of the article can submit a complaint to the editor-in-chief in the event of a delay in responding to the article (acceptance or rejection) within the specified time or failure to publish in the specified time, number and volume, in the belief of the editorial board to preserve the authors’ rights
- Researchers or authors can apply through the direct link .
- Or visit the magazine's website in the building of the College of Education - Al-Mustansiriyah University - the first floor.