Information For Authors


Researchers should ensure th their research is original and meets high professional and ethical standards. This results in the following:

  • Honesty and accuracy in documenting evidence and results without lying or misleading deception.
  • Researchers are arranged according to what was mentioned in the research, provided that the names are mentioned in the first sequence with an idea according to the weight of their contribution. It is the duty of the researcher who writes to the journal to ensure that all participating researchers are included, and that the names of researchers who are not participating in the research are not included.
  • Researchers must correctly indicate the research referenced in the research.
  • Researchers should review their research according to the evaluation's suggestions, and if the researcher does not agree to adopt the proposed amendments, he must provide a logical justification for that.

• The research is subject to the looting program and to ensure that the percentage of looting does not exceed 20%, and the researcher is obligated to pay the financial expenses incurred in the evaluation procedures in the event of a request to withdraw the research, or wish not to follow the evaluation procedures, or ignore it taking into account some of the evaluation’s comments from Not to answer it.


Calendar and Adjusters:

  • The journal considers the process of evaluating scientific research from specialists as a major stage of scientific publishing, and it is the journal’s policy to ensure the professionalism of the work of the scientific evaluators and their commitment to the journal’s ethical laws, and this entails the following:
  • Research submitted for publication in the journal is subject to evaluation by specialists.
  • In the event that the editorial administration finds that the research submitted for publication is compatible with the journal’s publication policies and the soundness of scientific research procedures, the research is sent to three specialized assessors, according to the nature of the research and the opinion of the assessors, to evaluate it and write a detailed report on its safety and scientific originality, using a specially designed form.
  • The magazine management deals with the names of the assessors and their reports in strict confidence, and does not reveal them except to the members of the editorial board, who also deal with them in complete secrecy.
  • The journal treats research submitted for publication in strict confidence during its evaluation and before its publication.
  • In the event of a negative report from one of the assessors, the research is sent in its original copy to a third scientific assessor to decide on its validity for publication, and the opinion of the majority is adopted in determining the acceptance or rejection of the research.
  • Evaluators must investigate objectivity in the judgments and results issued by the evaluation process.
  • Evaluators are supposed to disassociate themselves from personal interests.
  • The evaluators are supposed to pay attention to the fact that the research is free of plagiarism or plagiarism, and they must refer to all published works that have been plagiarized from in the body of the scientifically evaluated research.
  • The evaluators are supposed to adhere to the time allotted for the evaluation process, which does not exceed two weeks for one research.