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البنية العاملية لاستبيان الصلابة الذهنية الرياضي
أ.د. نمير حسن محمد
- The Effectiveness of a counseling program using the self- regulatory method in developing self – commitment amole middle school students
Ibtisam Ibrahim shall Nehaia gabar khalaf
A collective counseling program (proposed) to improve grades students at the university
Assistant Professor Muhammad Majid Hamza Al-Khuzaie
Behavior disorder and its relationship to parental treatment among middle school students.
Prof. Safaa Hussein M. Ali
Disruptive Behavior Among Middle School Students
Noor Ghareeb Alasadi Dr. Khader Abbas Ghaylan
Functional Limitation and Its Relation to Loneliness in the ELdery
Prof . Dr. Ban Adnan Abdul Rahman Prof .Dr .Hussain Falih Hussain
Guidance play to evaluate the disordered behavior of children
أ. د. لمياء جاسم محمد
Intellectual emptiness Among the students of Mustansiriyah University
أ .د . نبيل عبد الغفور عبد المجيد
Internet use is problematic they have Middle school students
سجاد مرتضى علي، أ.د. سلمان جودة مناع الشمري
Irrational thoughts of divorced women
Ibtihal Raysan Ajami Prof. Dr. Majid Kazem Al-Rubaie flowers
Negotiation anxiety among educational candidates
Hussein Aliwi Jassim, Dr. Mahmoud Shaker Abdel – Razzaq
Psychological immunity of orphan female students
Raghad Thamer Makbis Dr. Nehaia jabber khalf
Quality of School Life among Primary School Teachers
Assistant Teacher: ZAINAB KAREEM SHAEA
Reflection of Political Psychology on Psychological
Health saif Adnan Hasan
Self-Concealment Among Adolescents
Mays Raad Abdul Hamid Dr. Basma karim shamek
Self-protection among middle school teachers study and application
Dr. Anwar Khair Allah Nahab
The duties of the Educational instructor in school from their point of view
أ. د. نشعة كريم عذاب
The Effect of Temperature: Disturbed modern types and conditions - study and application -
Nada Sajid Hameed
The effect of the conscious understanding method in reducing grief among orphans
Assistant Lecturer Nour Ahmed Rasim, Dr. Mahmoud Shaker Abdel-Razzaq
The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program using the method of Integrative Interaction Approach in developing self – commitment amonle students
Ibtisam Ibrahim Shahl Dr. Nehaia Gabar Khalaf
The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in developing mental fitness among medical staff
Assistant teacher Marwa Mohamed abed Alameer, Prof. Dr. Amal Ibrahem Alkhalede
The effectiveness of Reality therapy method in developing mental fitness among medical staff
Ass. Teacher Marwa Mohamed abed Alameer, Prof. Dr. Amal Ibrahem Alkhalede
The effectiveness of the acceptance-commitment method in developing the psychological flow of university students
Prof. Dr. Nabil Abdel Ghafour, assistant teacher Ahmed Jassim Mohsen
The effectiveness of the self-talk style in developing the psychological flow of university students
Prof. Dr. Nabil Abdel Ghafour, assistant teacher Ahmed Jassim Mohsen
The Grief in Orphans study and application
م.م. نور أحمد راسم، ا.د. محمود شاكر عبد الرزاق
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