أثر مجمع خلقيدونية (451م) على الكنائس الشرقية في المنطقة العربية


  • ايمان عباس سلمان، أ. م. د. عبد الجبار زين العابدين خلف


Talking about Christianity and its history is a thorny conversation، and it is difficult for the researcher to convey its details that he went through through a definitive and certain path، except for some of the details mentioned in our law. The entrance to knowing the history of early Christianity remained absolutely forbidden to the general public who affiliated with Christianity until the middle of the nineteenth century. The study of the history of Christianity is an arena in which only churchmen and theologians can roam.

Keywords: Christianity - Chalcedon–Churches.

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2023-09-01 — Updated on 2023-09-02
