الصلاة في شريعتي اليهود والمسلمين )دراسة نقدية مقارنة)
Muslims share with Jews the act of prayer, which indicates that the source of divine religions is one, which is God (glorified and exalted be He) who revealed all the divine laws. Prayer is mandatory for both Jews and Muslims through their divine scriptures (three mandatory prayers were imposed on Jews, while Muslims have to perform five mandatory prayers).
Muslim prayer is characterized by clarity and simplicity, as Muslims are only required to have bodily and clothing cleanliness and to have their clothes cover their awrah (private parts). On the other hand, Jews have a more complex and strict way of performing their prayer, as they wear peculiar clothes and use many amulets and wands, and they derive these rituals from the explanation of their books (the Torah and the Talmud) after they were altered.
Keywords (the prayer-Torah-Jews)
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- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-01 (1)