Obsessed with staying Argani hair
This research is an attempt to read the poetry of a poet from the Abbasid era who belongs to the school of craftsmanship and artificiality, Critical opinions were said about his poetry, some of which characterized his poetry as imitation and stagnation.
This study differs from the previous studies that I read objectively, artistically or rhetorically. The researcher tries to investigate the presence of the obsession with survival or immortality in Argani poetry, this theme that occupied the thought of creators over time.
The research does not attempt to extract the terms survival, immortality, or life in the poet's poetry, but rather studies the presence of this idea within the poet's themes, Accordingly, the research was divided into four axes:
- The first axis: obsession with survival through the other (Praised).
- The second axis: obsession with survival through the other (the beloved).
- The third axis: the obsession with survival through the ego (pride in poeticism).
- The fourth axis: obsession with survival through time.
At the end of the research, the results reached during the study.
Keywords: obsession, survival, Argani, the Abbasid era
Additional Files
- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-01 (1)