الشخصية في بناء أخبار الشعراء الغزليين الأمويين في كتاب الأغاني لأبي الفرج الأصبهاني


  • زينب فرحان داود، أ.د. رباب صالح حسن


    This personal intervention is studied as an element of the narration that was achieved in the ancient Arabic storytelling، especially in the stories of the ghazal poets in the Umayyad era.

    In this research، we followed the study of the types of personalities mentioned in the news of the ghazals within the Book of Songs by Abu al-Faraj al-Asbahani، and they were according to:

1.The main characters

  1. Secondary characters
  2. Reference personalities
  3. Referential personalities

And there are results that we present at the end of the research.


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2023-09-01 — Updated on 2023-09-02
