Population Characteristics in Babil Governorate in 2022
The research aims to clarify the population characteristics in the province of Babil from the rate of population growth and the distribution and composition of the population according to administrative units. And identifying the trends of change that occurred to the population of the governorate in 2022, based on the descriptive and analytical geographical approach in studying the population characteristics in the research area. The lowest population growth rate is in Al-Imam district, with a population rate that does not exceed 1%.
40.74% of the total population of the research area, the lowest population for the year 2022 was the share of Al-Mahaweel district, which included (392,413) people, constituting 17.15% of the total population of Babil Governorate, the highest population number achieved in M.Q. Hilla compared to the rest of the districts of the governorate, where it included 645,016 people or 28.2%. The lowest population of Babil Governorate is represented in M.Q. Al-Hashimiyyah, and with a population of 1997 (41,305) people for 2022. The urban population of Hilla district rises to its highest number of 558,767 people. Their percentage of the total population of the district for the year 2022 increased to 59.93%, which is the highest percentage compared to the lowest percentage of the rural population, which decreased at the level of the total population of Al-Hilla district for the year 2022 to 40.07%. Al-Mahaweel district recorded the highest percentage of the rural population in 2022 compared to the rest of the rural population in the districts The other achieved a percentage of 74.65%., of the total population of the district, with a number of rural residents, it rose to 292,944 people. The highest gender ratio for the year 2022 was achieved in the Nile sub-district, which reached 102.8 males per 100 females, while the Shomali district recorded the lowest gender ratio for the year 1997, amounting to 96.5 males per 100 females in 1997N, while the lowest ratios reached Gender in 2022, the ratio of (101.2) males per 100 females, and it was represented in each of the M. Q. Hashemite district and M. Q. Al-Musayyib district. The number of young people under the age of 15 years in Babil Governorate reached (954,877) people, with a rate that did not exceed 41.73% Of the total population of Babil Governorate for the year 2022, the population of Babil Governorate within the middle-aged age group (15-64) years was 1,269,165 people, at a rate of 55.46% of the total population of the research area for the year 2022. The number of elderly people aged (65 years and over) in the governorate Babil in 2022 (64,412) people constituted 2.81% of the total population in Babil Governorate. The general dependency ratio for the population of Babil Governorate in 2022 was (80.31%).
Keywords (characteristics, demographics, population, Babylon)
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- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-01 (1)