This is an outdated version published on 2023-11-15. Read the most recent version.

The Structuers of Augmentative Verb In Letters of Ibn Ibi Al-khasal


  • Ikram Mohammed Kareem Dr.Shafa'a Khudier Abbas



المستوى الصرفي، الأفعال المزيدة، سعة اللغة.


This extracted research deals an important topic within The Morphological Level, which is THE FORMS OF AUGMENTED VERBS, and then apply it to the letters of An Andalusian writer, IBN ABI AL-KHASAL(D.540.AH). Through this research, we will stop at the writers linguistic ability and his ability to express accurately and beautifully effective through his use of images of additional verbs, and his understanding of the functions of these morphological increases in deriving a new meaning and employing it within the text and the extent of their contributions to enriching the linguistic lexicon with vocabulary and semantics.


2023-11-08 — Updated on 2023-11-15
