The impact of the Messenger Mohammed (may God bless him and his family) in consolidating the foundations of the Islamic state


  • Mithaq Talib Ismail Prof. (Ph.D) Rahim Khalaf Okla Al-Shammari



consolidation, foundations, the Islamic State


Succeeded in achieving progress and advancement in the society of Medina through laying down strong foundations upon which both the individual and the community relied and derived strength and durability from. The prophetic biography contributed to eliminating legal violations by activating and consolidating strict and decisive regulatory laws, which effectively contributed to bringing about a radical change in the social landscape. This, in turn, led to increased unity and cohesion among the members of the Islamic community. The Honorable Prophet (peace be upon him) ensured respect for other cultures and religions, surpassing all differences and contradictions. Islam considered these differences as complementary elements that cannot be overlooked, and it actively contributed to creating a cohesive and strong society during the period of prophetic rule. Its aim was to eliminate class disparities through equality between the servant and the master in rights and duties, as well as giving women an important role in various fields, including the military aspect.

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