The Wellness Inventory among Students of the Fine Arts Institute in the City of Baghdad


  • Prof. Ass. Dr. Istabraq Majeed Ali Lateef Dr.Raghd,a Abbaas Abid Al-Ta,ee


The current research aims to identify the sense of quality among the students of the Fine Arts Institutes in the city of Baghdad, and the significance of the difference in the sense of quality according to the gender variable (male-female). The researcher adopted the descriptive approach and adopted the Wellness Inventory scale prepared by "Anina Schamoach", which consists of (20) items, the answer to which is (yes) or (no). Its psychometric properties were verified for validity and reliability. It was applied to a sample of (100) male and female students, and the results revealed that the students of the Fine Arts Institutes have a sense of quality, in addition to that, the results indicated that females have a more sense of quality than males.

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2023-09-01 — Updated on 2023-09-02
