The style of masculinity in the epic poem in modern Iraqi poetry


  • Asst.Lect. Zainulabdeen hussen ali prof.ahmed Mahdi attallah (Ph.D.)



style , masculinity , hero


It did not escape pure from some cultural patterns, and masculinity represents the most prominent cultural patterns that appeared in the ancient Arab poetic heritage.This phenomenon represented an aesthetic feature among poets and led the Arabs as they mastered the feeling of a verse, the sweetest verse, and the best verse. However, the concept of masculinity in modernist criticism emerged. It transformed in its meaning, and it became a diversification of poetic discourse and the diverse epic poem, a modern feature in Arabic and Iraqi poetry in general. It did not get rid of the pattern of masculinity, and this is the focus of the study. The study was distinguished by different cultural criticism to analyze the poetic discourse and reveal the pattern of masculinity in modern Iraqi poetry.

The pattern of virility is more effective than the old patterns still are, and it appears in many cases, and it completely represents the white hero, and the hero protecting the epic represents the basic part of establishing effectiveness, as there is no epic poem without a hero.

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2025-01-13 — Updated on 2025-01-21
