Canaanite cities from Palestine


  • Majida Hasso Mansoor Esso



The Canaanites are considered the first and oldest peoples to settle in the lands of Palestine, who gave the country their name (the country of Canaan). Therefore, research in the remains of the Canaanite cities reveals a lot about the history and civilization of the Canaanites and their vocabulary, and this is what was shown by the successive archaeological excavations that were conducted in the ruins of these cities since the beginning of the twentieth century In addition, what is mentioned about them in the Old Testament of the Bible, which mentioned many news of these cities in the folds of its books, sheds light on another aspect of them related primarily to the nature of their relationship with Israelis, which was generally characterized by a hostile nature after it was able to These are from penetrating into the country and occupying large areas of it.

Keywords: Ai, Apheeq, Tal al-Ajul, Tirzah.

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2023-09-01 — Updated on 2023-09-02
