المظاهر اللّغويّة للتّعدديّة اللّهجيّة في الجزائر - دراسة سوسيو لسانيّة -
The study of Arabic dialects is one of the modern linguistic sciences that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, which has become very important in recent years due to its wide spread. If we talk about the Algerian country, we found it among the most Arab countries. The dialect environment is part of a broader and broader environment that includes several dialects, each of which has distinct characteristics, all of which combine a range of linguistic phenomena that facilitate communication between individuals in different environments. They are different among themselves, as they may have diverged.
Based on this linguistic diversity, this research was characterized by: (The linguistic manifestations of pluralistic rhetoric in Algeria - a study of Sanskrit language) - looking for the forms of plurality pluralism found in Algeria, by highlighting some of the phenomena of sound and lexicon, We have this question: What is meant by pluralistic rhetoric ?, What are their linguistic manifestations ?, And how do we explain it? In order to answer this problem, we will follow the descriptive approach to its relevance to the nature of the subject. We will also use the comparative approach to highlight the relevance of this linguistic pluralism in some aspects of the psalm.
Keywords: manifestations, linguistic, pluralism, barbarism, Algeria.
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- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-01 (1)