التحليل العاملي لمعتقدات التحكم بالذاكرة لدى طلبة الجامعة


  • ا.د. سحر هاشم محمد



The aim of the research is to identify the factorial structure of the memory control beliefs scale among university students. To achieve this, the Bandura & Elliott, 1995 scale for memory control beliefs was adopted, which consists of (19) items distributed on (6) dimensions. The scale was applied to a sample of university students, numbering (200) male and female students, who were chosen in a stratified random manner and in an equal distribution method. For the scale, the exploratory factor analysis was extracted, which concluded that there are (4) dimensions in which the paragraphs of the scale were gathered.

Keywords: Factor Analysis, memory control beliefs, Memory

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2023-09-01 — Updated on 2023-09-02
